Jubilee celebrations
Twyford Village Residents Celebrate the Queen’s Silver, Golden and Diamond Jubilees

As usual, Twyford took any occasion as an excuse for a good street party and there was no better excuse than the occasions of the Silver, Golden and Diamond anniversaries of the Queen’s succession to the throne in 1952. These were held on 6th June 1977, 3rd June 2002 and 3rd and 4th June 2012.
Local artist, Chris Scott, was commissioned by the Parish council on all three occasions to paint a picture of the celebrations featuring as many local residents as it was possible to fit into the canvas. These three pictures are displayed in the Village Hall.
The Silver Jubilee painting depicts the 10 floats which took part in the Jubilee day competition and it is remarkable that most of the people are recognisable as local residents. Unfortunately, it was a very wet day but local farmer, Raymond Hodges, lent his barn so that the floats could be prepared in the dry.
The Senior Citizens were treated to a lunch in the village hall provided and prepared by Twyford and Charndon Women’s Institute
At 3.30pm, the rain had thankfully stopped, and the procession started towards the recreation ground where an enormous crowd had assembled. The judges were Alison Deeley, Billy Hill and Amos Gilder and the winners of the best float were Twyford and Charndon WI with the Twyford Infant School with their magnificent Coronation Coach a very close second place, separated by just one point…!!!
In the evening, a dance was held in a marquee in the recreation ground – Parish Councillor, Graham Gingell, won the hand painted mug in the raffle but as chairman of the Jubilee committee, he suffered from ribald comments from the audience so he offered the cup for a redraw. Yvonne Hirons from Charndon finally won the prize

Painting of the Silver Jubilee

The names of those residents appearing in the painting
Golden Jubilee
The Golden Jubilee was once again held on the village recreation ground where the residents were entertained with a great deal of music from the talented village bands; the theme being “Picnic in the Park”
Children’s Fancy Dress, Irish dancing, Classic Car display, Welly Wanging, Hand Bell ringing, and many other enjoyable activities, plus of course, the Street Tea Party

Painting of the Golden Jubilee

The names of those residents appearing in the painting
Diamond Jubilee
On the 3rd and 4th of June 2012, despite the rain, Twyford celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Liz Dodd was dressed as the Queen and Chris Scott as Prince Philip and they both looked just like the real thing.
There was a float procession, a raft race, tug of war across the river, fancy dress for the children and finally a Barn Dance followed by bonfires.

Painting of the Diamond Jubilee

The names of those residents appearing in the painting